Interior Design Experience Requirement

Interior Design Experience Requirement (IDER) is ARIDO's current Experience requirement for Registered membership. ARIDO transitioned to this requirement from hours-based reporting to evidence-based reporting in 2021. The Requirement outlines the mandatory tasks within each interior design phase which must be performed by Applicants under qualified Supervisors or Mentors.

Tools and Resources | Transition Period to IDER | Transition Chart | Background

Tools and Resources

Below are the reporting tools which must be completed by Applicants and Supervisors / Mentors for the Interior Design Experience Requirement and helpful guides which provide more details on the Requirement.

We recommend using Adobe Reader to edit and complete the Fillable PDFs.

For Applicants

For Supervisors / Mentors

Additional Tools

The ARIDO staff are here for you. We have developed a series of tools to assist you in making your decision and are available to answer any questions you may have.

We recommend you engage in the following tools:

Whitepaper on the Interior Design Experience Requirement

This whitepaper describes the competency mapping process that informed the creation of the Interior Design Experience Requirement.

Webinar Recording

Below is a recorded webinar conducted by ARIDO Executive Director Sharon Portelli as she walked participants through the requirements of the IDER webinar and reporting obligations under the new program.

Transition Period to IDER

woman works on computer at home

In preparing for the launch of the new program, the ARIDO staff and Board were cognizant that all existing Intern members are at different places within their work experience and work towards Registered membership. As such, we realize that many Interns have already begun documenting Supervised Work Experience using the hours-based reporting system.

In 2021, ARIDO requested that current Interns indicate their choice for following the hours based path or the competency based path.

From 2022 onward, all new Interns will report using the new evidence-based reporting model.

IDER Transition Chart

Acceptable types of documentation
GroupTiming for applying to meet the
Experience requirement
Hours Based ReportingTask-Based Reporting
Current Intern Members who indicated they will continue
in hours-based system
Current Intern Members who indicated they will use the competencies-based systemX
New Intern MembersBecoming an Intern Member on or after October 1, 2021X
Former Intern MembersApplying for reinstatement within 3 years of resignation or termination, and on, or after October 1, 2021XX
Applying for reinstatement after 3 years of resignation or termination, and on, or after October 1, 2021X
Former Registered or Educator-Registered MembersApplying for reinstatement within 3 years of resignation or termination, and on, or after October 1, 2021n/an/a
Applying for reinstatement after 3 years of resignation or termination, and on, or after October 1, 2021X

Background on IDER

What is the reason for this update to ARIDO's Experience Requirement?

As the work for future regulation between ARIDO and the OAA continues, development work has been a key priority over the last several years. In 2019, development work identified the need for greater accountability on behalf of ARIDO for the Supervised Work Experience requirement that will lead to future licensing. This resulted in a review of the current requirement and a set of recommendations to move towards a more robust requirement.

With this transition, ARIDO believes this new reporting will provide Interns and Applicants with a greater understanding of their next steps on the interior design career path along with the empowerment of an identified roadmap for their career growth plan which can be discussed with their immediate Supervisors.

For Supervisors, the new requirement provides clear and consistent areas of hands-on experience where all Registered members can ensure Interns obtain experience.

As more Intern members begin onboarding with the new requirement, it will also result in more consistent and equitable training across the Intern membership.