Contact Us
Association of Registered Interior Designers of Ontario
Office Location
43 Hanna Avenue - Suite C536
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M6K 1X1
Toll-free 800.334.1180
ARIDO Staff Listing
If you need assistance in one of the areas below please reach out to the ARIDO staff member listed.
- Corporate Governance and Board of Management
- Legislative Affairs
- Public Awareness and Media
- Corporate Governance and Board of Management
- Legislative Affairs
- Public Awareness and Media
- Complaints, Code of Ethics and Practice Standards
- Qualifications Paths
- Fair Registration Practices
- Regulatory Affairs
- Title Enforcement
- Complaints, Code of Ethics and Practice Standards
- Qualifications Paths
- Fair Registration Practices
- Regulatory Affairs
- Title Enforcement
- Registered Membership applications and status updates
- ARIDO Intern Mentorship Program (on hold)
- Registered Membership applications and status updates
- ARIDO Intern Mentorship Program (on hold)
- Student and Intern Membership applications and status updates
- General membership-related inquiries
- Meeting space inquiries
- Student and Intern Membership applications and status updates
- General membership-related inquiries
- Meeting space inquiries
- Bill Pr6 investigations and enforcement (title regulation)
- ARIDO ICRS (Intern Competencies Review System)
- Professional Development compliance and enforcement
- Bill Pr6 investigations and enforcement (title regulation)
- ARIDO ICRS (Intern Competencies Review System)
- Professional Development compliance and enforcement
- Accounts payable and receivable
- Membership dues (payments and receipts)
- Accounts payable and receivable
- Membership dues (payments and receipts)
- ARIDO social media channels
- Communications support, BLOG//ARIDO
- ARIDO social media channels
- Communications support, BLOG//ARIDO
- ARIDO Chapters
- ARIDO Events & Sponsorship Opportunities
- ARIDO Chapters
- ARIDO Events & Sponsorship Opportunities
Interior Designer: Chantal Frenette, ARIDO Design Firm: modo Design Team: Yvonne Campbell, ARIDO