13 Jul 2023

BID projects – Yorkville University

Maia Stamatov

We are thrilled to continue our celebration of the class of 2023 from Ontario ARIDO-recognized schools this year. This is our third year of posting graduating student work on BLOG//ARIDO and we are pleased to share their accomplishments with the ARIDO community and beyond.

 ARIDO has worked with these schools to promote a selection of 4th year BID student work on BLOG//ARIDO and will be posting the work each Wednesday during May and June.

Trushanti T. Shirodkar and Kateryna Franchuk

These students from the Yorkville University BID program created designs centered around concepts of biophilia, and connections to nature to provide inspiring spaces that foster creativity, productivity, health and well-being. Scroll through the pdf below to view their work!