Supervised Work Experience
2024 ARIDO Awards Winner
The supervised work experience requirement ensures that applicants for Registered membership are receiving quality work experience that will shape and build their skills as a future interior designer.
The importance of supervised work experience
An ARIDO Intern wishing to become a Registered member must obtain the required amount of supervised work experience in order to move on to meeting the Examination Requirement.
Supervised work experience is important to Intern members for various reasons. Obtaining the right type of technical experience will prepare an Intern member to meet the examination requirement, and it is also important for the future practice of young professionals looking to become interior designers.
The right type of technical experience combined with supervision by a qualified individual ensures that interns obtain knowledge, experience and proficiency in the latest interior design principles and practices in a range of settings. Only through the prescribed combination of specialized education and technical experience can an Intern member be fully prepared to work towards meeting 1 of 2 options in the Examination Requirement and to competently practice interior design and use the designations, Interior Designer and ARIDO.
What qualifies as supervised work experience?
Upon graduating from a recognized interior design program, individuals must obtain a prescribed amount of supervised work experience.
There are two methods to meeting the Supervised Work Experience Requirement in Ontario: