Truth and Reconciliation Day: ARIDO joined indigenous led and owned Two Row Architect for a full day workshop

As Truth and Reconciliation Day in Canada returns for 2024, the Board and staff, as the organization’s core leadership team, are working to identify how ARIDO levels up its’ commitment and role in Truth and Reconciliation in Canada. This next step expands upon the last three years of education and awareness building related to Canada’s history with its indigenous peoples and communities.
On September 24, 2024, ARIDO was proud to invite Two Row Architect, an indigenous-led and owned architectural firm, to facilitate participants for a full day workshop. We were joined by Luciano Bonini, Marketing Director – Canada at Shaw Contract , our Truth and Reconciliation partner.
The focus of the workshop included:
- Understanding indigenous design values and how they are integrated with interior spaces.
- Learning Two Row Architect’s indigenous leadership approach to design, with projects showcased as examples.
- Facilitation by Two Row Architect to assist participants in uncovering:
- What role participants, as leaders in the design community, can serve to further Truth and Reconciliation in Ontario and Canada.
- How does this role support and further their leadership roles and responsibilities within their own organizations.
- The development of a document, post-event, that would outline the journey, discussion and goals and actions for the leadership teams.
Post event, ARIDO and Two Row Architect will work together to develop a white paper that documents the workshop as a case study to be published within the design industry.
Truth and Reconciliation Partner