Student Scholarships Awarded at Ontario Summit!

The 2022 Scholarships were awarded at the Awards and Recognition Presentation during the Ontario Summit in March.
ARIDO would like to congratulate the students on their achievements, and sincerely thank Doner Turrin Inc and CTI Working Environments for their support.
Norma Ruth Ridley Scholarship
The Norma Ruth Ridley Scholarship awards $2,000 to one BID student each year. Program Chairs from each ARIDO-recognized school select one student to create a submission to the technical design scenario set by the ARIDO Scholarship Committee. Applicants are judged by the quality of their submission, in addition to academic achievement, professionalism, community involvement, character, and communication.
1st Place – Lisa Jeans, Yorkville University
2nd Place – Samantha McNair, Sheridan College
3rd Place – Michaela Hardy, Algonquin College
ARIDO Art Appreciation Award in partnership with Doner Turrin Inc

This award is intended to promote the appreciation of artwork within the Interior Design process and application. First-year Interior Design students submit an application to Rachel Turrin, Principal Art Consultant at Doner Turrin Inc. Rachel selects the winning submission and awards the student a $500 scholarship. We are sincerely grateful for her support of students and the Association!
The 2022 Scholarship was awarded to:
Feiga Werner, Ryerson University
CTI Working Environments Scholarship
Funds for the CTI Working Environments scholarship are raised from the annual Signatures Event. Each ARIDO Chapter President nominates one student who has shown dedication to volunteering for the Chapter, their school, and overall support within the Interior Design community
The 2021 scholarships were awarded to:
Lindsay Kelly, Algonquin College | Eastern Ontario Chapter
Sydney Detweiler, Conestoga College | Grand Valley Chapter
Kylie Turnbull, Fanshawe College | Western Ontario Chapter