19 Jan 2022

Start your 2022 marketing with the Self Guided BLOG//ARIDO Bootcamp!

Ali Moenck

Registered members, if your New Year’s resolution is to spend more time on your marketing and branding in 2022, why not start with your profile on BLOG//ARIDO? It’s your platform to showcase your experience and expertise as an Interior Designer.

There are several tips and resources ARIDO has created to help you, including the “This is what I do for a living” marketing toolkit, and the new Self Guided BLOG//ARIDO Bootcamp.

The Self Guided Bootcamp provides weekly updates and prompts by email which break down how to set up your profile and start posting to the blog in small, manageable pieces.

Each one can be completed in 1 hour or less. Sign up for the Self Guided Bootcamp below.

Register for the BLOG//ARIDO Bootcamp!

Join the 4 week program to get started promoting yourself on BLOG//ARIDO.


We’ve also added the Get Started Guide to BLOG//ARIDO below, and two handy videos which walk you through how to post and how to update your profile.

Get Started Guide to BLOG//ARIDO

Video: How to Update your BLOG//ARIDO Profile

Video: How to Create a Post on BLOG//ARIDO