Proposed Slate for the 2024/25 ARIDO Board of Management
At the Annual General Meeting in March, 2024 the names of four new Directors and one President-elect, elected to the ARIDO Board of Management will be announced. Every Registered member is encouraged to participate in the nomination and election process.
The Nominating Committee has considered those members who expressed an interest in the Board of Management. As required in Section 7.00(C) of By-Law No. 1, we include the slate of candidates proposed by the Nominating Committee:
Candidate for the Position of President-Elect: (three-year term)
Candidates for the position of Director on the Board of Management (three-year term):
Lisa Fulford-Roy
Serina Fraser
Bryan Wiens (second term)
Joanne Chan (second term)
The following Elected Directors will complete their terms on the Board of Management as follows:
Jennifer Warling, Past President March 2025
Robin Fraser, Director March 2025
Beverly Horii, Director March 2026
Neal Prabhu, Director March 2026
Sabrina Carinci, President March 2026
This is a final opportunity to nominate a Registered member, for the position of Elected Director or President-elect, providing that the member nominated meets the eligibility criteria for the position for which they are nominated.
Candidates for the President-elect position must have served and completed a full term as an elected director on the Board of Management, a Chapter President or as a member of an ARIDO Standing Committee or task force of the Association at least once in the 15 years prior to the date of the election.
Nominations must be submitted in writing, seconded by no fewer than three Registered members in good standing, and received at the ARIDO office no later than Friday, February 9, 2024.
Please click here for the nomination form.
If any additional candidates are nominated by the Registered Membership:
• You will receive a ballot and short biographies of all the candidates.
• You will be asked to send in your vote (by ballot) to the ARIDO office in advance of the Annual General Meeting.
• The results of the vote will be announced at the Annual General Meeting.
If there are no further nominations from the Registered Membership:
• The slate proposed by the Nominating Committee will be elected by acclamation.
• No ballots or voting will take place.
• The directors elected by acclamation will be announced at the Annual General Meeting.
The ARIDO Board of Management guides the management of the affairs of the Association on behalf of its membership.
The Nominating Committee thanks those Registered members who have agreed to take on this responsibility.
Respectfully submitted:
Nominating Committee
Nadia Kuhni, Chair, Nominating Committee
David Gibbons – Board of Governors
Janine Grossmann – Board of Governors
Sheri Crawford – Board of Governors
Daniel Long – Registered Member
Susan Tienhaara – Registered Member