Niagara Biennial Awards
24 Jun 2022

Niagara Design Biennial Open for Submissions!

Ali Moenck
Niagara Biennial Awards

Established in 2020, Niagara Region is hosting a bi-annual design awards program that builds on the former Niagara Community Design Awards.

This second installment of the awards program will continue to celebrate the role of design in the enhancement of Niagara’s unique and diverse built environments.

Some categories which might interest members:

Interior Public Spaces: New Interior Public Spaces

Installation of a publicly accessible interior design project that is within a newly constructed building.

Submission types: Projects will be grouped together by the jury panel

Judging criteria

Quality of execution – Project exhibits interior design excellence through functionality, materiality and creativity

Innovation – Highlights new ideas and approaches to the design of building interiors

Sustainability – Includes features such as sustainable building design elements, green energy and green infrastructure


The project must be:

  • Substantially complete (ready for occupancy / use)
  • Physically accessible to the public

Interior Public Spaces: Renovated Interior Public Spaces

Installation of a publicly accessible interior design project within an existing building.

Submission types: Projects will be grouped together by the jury panel based on the type of type of project, for example, adaptive re-use, historical restoration, etc.

Judging criteria

Quality of execution – Project exhibits interior design excellence through functionality, materiality and creativity

Innovation – Highlights new ideas and approaches to the design of building interiors

Sustainability – Includes features such as sustainable building design elements, green energy and green infrastructure


The project must be:

  • Substantially complete (ready for occupancy / use)
  • Physically accessible to the public

Student Design

Student design projects that seek to provide a design solution specific to the Niagara context.

Submission types: Student design projects can be submitted within any of the design categories.

Judging criteria

Comprehensiveness – Addresses factors including contextual integration, contributions to public realm and sustainability.

Innovation – Highlights new ideas and approaches to the design of the built environment.


The student project must be:

  • Prepared by a student attending a Canadian post-secondary institution
  • Submitted and evaluated by the respective post-secondary institution
  • Located in Niagara

Read more about the Biennial at this link.