28 Nov 2024
Hire an ARIDO Student for an Internship/Co-op placement
Maia Stamatov

Need help hiring an Interior Design Student for a Co-op/ Internship placement at your firm?
You can post your Student position on the ARIDO Job Board, and it’s free to post.
Students are looking for Internship and Co-op positions now.
We’re helping to make it easy for you to connect with ARIDO Student members through the ARIDO Career Xpress Student Co-op/Internship job posting platform.
Registered members can do this by:
- Signing into the member portal, ARIDOAccess through the ARIDO website at www.arido.ca
- From the main menu bar, click on ‘My Practice’
- Selecting ‘Post a Student Internship/Co-op Job Opportunity’
Industry partners can do this by:
- Going to the ARIDO website at www.arido.ca
- From the main menu bar, click on ‘About’
- Selecting ‘Post a Student Co-op/Internship Job Opportunity
ARIDO student members can view your active posting and respond to you directly.
Why hire an ARIDO Student for an Internship/Co-op position?
- ARIDO Student Members who are graduating from a Bachelor of Interior Design program have valuable training, skills and knowledge to help support your business.
- Support the Interior Design community by helping Interior Design Students complete their Co-op/Internship placement
Questions? Contact us at membership@arido.ca