10 Jan 2023

Gensler Toronto hosting virtual Portfolio Review session for BIPOC students in design!

Maia Stamatov

Gensler Toronto is partnering with BAIDA, BEAT and DesignTO, to host a virtual Portfolio Review Session for BIPOC Students in Design on Friday January 27, 2023 from 1:00 – 6:00 pm EST

This will be an opportunity for students to engage in conversations with members of the design community while refining their interview skills. Strategies and advice will be shared by all participants to gear students towards design excellence and enrichment within their future careers. Students will be granted a half hour review session with two professionals within the fields of architecture, interior design, landscape architecture, architectural technology, and new this year: experiential design (signage & wayfinding and environmental graphic design).

It is intended for students who are currently registered in Canadian schools and who also identify as Black, Indigenous or as a Person of Colour.

The preliminary deadline for this event is Friday, January 13th and the final deadline is on January 20th.