Biophilic design in the form of an indoor garden in the juice bar area
22 Jun 2022

BID Projects – Humber College

Maia Stamatov

For the third year in a row, ARIDO would like to celebrate the class of 2022 from Ontario ARIDO-recognized schools and ensure their work is shared within the ARIDO community and beyond.

 ARIDO has worked with these schools to promote a selection of 4th year BID student work on BLOG//ARIDO and will be posting the work each Wednesday during May and June.

Alexa KrutzlerDistrict Social

District Social is a members-only club that caters to the Film, Music and Audio Entertainment Industries. Hosting spaces such as; a co-working environment, restaurant/bar lounge, private cinema, music maker space, podcast studios and private rooms allow for all members to have a comfortable and accommodating experience. 

The conceptual framework behind District Social is developed through acknowledging individual; self, social and place identity through principles of environmental psychology and physiological comfort while considering Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs. Applying these theories to the development of the thesis provided an understanding of the physiological and psychological needs of users in the built environment. The physiological and psychological characteristics of the theories will establish a method of approach to spatial design elements, developing socially supportive spaces that promote industry socialization, community, culture and practice. Elements and principles of design such as acoustics, safety, lighting, spatial arrangements, aesthetics, inclusive design and multisensory design will satisfy the human needs, physiological comfort and environmental psychology.

Amanda CoulstonThe Unwind Spot

“The Unwind spot” is a student commons facility that will be used to enhance productivity and well-being for undergraduate and postgraduate students in college or university within the Greater Toronto Area. The purpose is to concentrate on the connection between students’ mental health and cognitive performance with their physical environments. In Toronto, individuals have lost touch with nature as their lifestyles have become increasingly urbanized and reliant on digital technologies. The student commons will use a biophilic design strategy to allow users to engage with nature while also benefiting from its health benefits, particularly in the aftermath of the COVID-19 epidemic.

Rebekah AwadRevive Living

Rebekah has designed a co-living residence for able-bodied seniors to live in a like-minded community. Driven by her passion and interest in wanting to create a welcoming and safe space for seniors who want to downsize but not be placed in an institutionalized home, this inclusive design provides an environment that focuses on the overall comfort, health, and well-being of the residents through the design concept of linking and connecting their personal interests in a community-like setting.

This design aims to encourage a healthy and well-balanced lifestyle to those who are already partaking in maintaining the well-being of their everyday lives. The materials that were selected for this space were used to provide the space with a timeless feel while also incorporating traditional elements to suit the needs and comfort of the targeted demographic.

Instagram: @rebekah.designs

Natalia KirioRoyal Tree Boutique Hotel

The Royal Tree Boutique Hotel is centered around biophilic design. The desire to create human-centered and ecological places motivated the conceptual research of this hospitality space. According to this research, business professionals lack a healthy lifestyle related to the stressors they face when traveling for business, two of which are sleep deprivation and jet lag. The new design of this boutique hotel at 21 Ossington Ave. in Toronto, is to improve the health, well-being, and productivity of business professionals.

The concept derives from nature and brings elements of biophilic design into the space where the users are able to feel a sense of calmness. Symbolic references that persist in nature are contoured, patterned, and textured in the design of a boutique hotel using biomimicry and biophilia. The use of light transmitting through the structure is to provide a sense relaxation, which assists a business professional’s health, well-being, and productivity.

Brittni RomainCareSupport

CareSupport is a proposed Well-being Centre located at 415 Eastern Avenue in Toronto’s Riverside neighbourhood. This project addresses the gaps in supporting the holistic well-being of healthcare professionals and is dedicated to supporting them. Through outreach opportunities and the design of a space with programming that addresses six dimensions of wellness – environmental, social, emotional, spiritual, physical, and mental/intellectual – the well-being centre aims to reduce the experience of stress and burnout of the individuals that give themselves to caring for others so that they too are well supported and cared for!

The idea behind the design concept is that it will immerse its guests in a wellness experience to promote their health and well-being in a holistic way by creating spaces and moments throughout the facility that create a sensory experience and resemble forest like environments through architectural features, materials, textures, and sounds. The concept for this project is grounded in biophilic design and sustainability.

You can view the complete Interior Design Thesis Show Reform 2022 projects by all Humber College BID graduating students.