18 May 2022

BID Projects – Fanshawe College

Maia Stamatov

For the third year in a row, ARIDO would like to celebrate the class of 2022 from Ontario ARIDO-recognized schools and ensure their work is shared within the ARIDO community and beyond.

 ARIDO has worked with these schools to promote a selection of 4th year BID student work on BLOG//ARIDO and will be posting the work each Wednesday during May and June.

Corey Mason-Grant – Designing for Infection Prevention and Control to Reduce Strain on Staff in Long-Term Care

Staff workspaces in long-term care (LTC) are rarely addressed in LTC home design, and often fail to accommodate IPAC (Infection Prevention and Control Canada) protocols that have arisen from recent respiratory pandemics. To address this, a study looking at staff workspaces and IPAC protocols was taken through observation methodology to determine which staff areas have the most difficulty in addressing physical distancing. It was determined that design interventions may improve staff wellbeing in LTC workspaces. 

Corey Mason Grant, Fanshawe College BID
Corey Mason Grant, Fanshawe College BID
Corey Mason Grant, Fanshawe College BID

The proposed design addresses staff workspaces in a LTC home. This design delivered on user wellbeing and sustainability while also addressing the accommodation of IPAC protocols during a pandemic. Limitations such as feasibility, application to new and existing homes, and funding will be concerns in applying such design solutions to LTC homes in Ontario.

Adam Mifsud – Designing Education Spaces to Benefit the Cognitive Abilities of Youth and Their Development

There is a significant number of children in Ontario who fall behind with their cognitive development due to issues related to the education system. One of the major factors that plays into this issue is the overall design of classrooms and education spaces that we utilize to teach children. We now understand that there are several different types of learning styles, and several people tend to have more than one. With this in mind, we understand that education spaces do not benefit all students. 

Adam Mifsud Fanshawe BID student education space project
Adam Mifsud Fanshawe BID student
Adam Mifsud Fanshawe BID student

A school design, but more specifically, a classroom design that focuses on experiential learning, connections to nature, all learning styles, and a focus on a calming environment and mental health awareness can help propel the cognitive development of children significantly. This can be achieved by providing spaces that are flexible and can adapt to different children’s abilities.

Jocelyn Lucan – Co-Working office space for creative individuals & small businesses to boost creativity & productivity

Co-working is a movement in today’s society across the globe. This type of environment provides people with increased productivity and networking opportunities with like minded individuals. Over the past two years many individuals have been stuck working from home due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This has led to an increase of isolation, depression, anxiety, and more for business owners. 

Co-working spaces are particularly important now as they provide a workspace as an alternative to working from home. The space fosters a sense of ownership among workers, where they can pop-in at any time and work for as long as they wish to. Not only do these co-working spaces provide users with a sense of freedom and flexibility, but they also create opportunities for smaller businesses and creative individuals to take advantage of collective resources and technology which otherwise may not be within their budget.