BID Projects – Conestoga College
For the third year in a row, ARIDO would like to celebrate the class of 2022 from Ontario ARIDO-recognized schools and ensure their work is shared within the ARIDO community and beyond.
ARIDO has worked with these schools to promote a selection of 4th year BID student work on BLOG//ARIDO and will be posting the work each Wednesday during May and June.
Grant Hawkins – Celibrate Office Space
As the interaction between individuals and their workplace evolves, so too must the interiors. Celibrate’s new office design is centered on the individuality and well-being of its employees, who will be able to choose and regulate their environment based on psychological, social, and physical needs.
By establishing distinct workspaces, the creative office will provide a fluid work experience resulting in the ability of individual choice that will stimulate creative, collaborative relationships, strengthening the sense of community.
To be inviting to all staff, the design shall create an inclusive interior for marginalized groups, reducing barriers for employees, and guarantee that underrepresented groups are acknowledged and feel welcomed.
The interior shall praise the culture and visually communicate the mission of Celibrate by creating a memorable atmosphere that allows for employee attraction and product sales.

Janessa Brouwer – Holm Housing Co-Operative
The objective of this project was to choose an adaptive reuse building and design an interior environment ranging from hospitality, retail, corporate, and so on. The first step of this project was to identify the design problem by working directly with a client and conducting additional supportive research. The next step was then to develop innovative design solutions to meet the needs of the project and to solve the discovered design problems. For this project specifically, an affordable housing unit (co-op housing) was chosen.

Morgan Johnstone – Airdrie Public Library
The Airdrie Public Library is designed to be a welcoming and inclusive place for the community to gather, learn, socialize, and access resources. By providing a variety of flex spaces for working, collaborating, and rejuvenating, the design creates an excellent working and learning atmosphere. This technology-oriented library integrates artificial intelligence and gives the community access to equipment, software, and additional resources, to encourage interactive digital learning, spark interest in STEM, and enhance accessibility.
The focus on technology provides opportunities for community members to engage further with artificial intelligence and resources from the Makerspace Labs. To complement the overwhelming amount of technology, biophilic elements, such as organic shapes, real and artificial plants, and an earthy colour palette, are used to create a calming environment for all users. The design is modular and flexible to accommodate demographic shifts, societal norms, and technological advancements.

Sudan (Daisy) Zheng – Yeehong Retirement Centre
As more and more Chinese seniors seek independence, the demand for retirement homes designed for the Chinese community grows. Yeehong Centre is the largest retirement home for the Chinese community in Ontario. My client, the CEO of Yeehong, required me to add Chinese elements into the design to make it culturally appropriate. After several interviews, I developed the design concept of Safety, Interaction, Privacy, People-Centered, Nature, and Culture.
Safety is fortified with proper circulation, way-finding, lighting and materials. Interaction is promoted by the open concept of the common area. Privacy is reinforced in each dwelling unit to block the view of passersby.
People-centred services are ensured by an overall homey feel, food ordering service, the spacious and bright staff room, and the daycare for staff. The connection to nature is reinforced with lots of glazing and an indoor garden. The appropriate culture is ensured by incorporating Chinese elements, such as screen doors, paper cutting, and traditional painting.