19 Jul 2023

BID projects – Algonquin College

Maia Stamatov

We are thrilled to continue our celebration of the class of 2023 from Ontario ARIDO-recognized schools this year. This is our third year of posting graduating student work on BLOG//ARIDO and we are pleased to share their accomplishments with the ARIDO community and beyond.

 ARIDO has worked with these schools to promote a selection of 4th year BID student work on BLOG//ARIDO and will be posting the work each Wednesday during May and June.

Abby Wang – New Age Funeral Centre

The project aims to design a funeral center where the design will prioritize the emotional and psychological needs of the bereaved and their families. Through a user-centred design approach, this project will explore how the physical design of a funeral center can create a more supportive and adaptive environment for grieving people.

The circle is the central design element in the project and will be prevalent throughout. As a shape, it is uninterrupted and unbroken, symbolizing that death is not the end of life, but forgetting is. The floor plan will feature a clockwise circular activity path for visitors, with service rooms positioned along the route to indicate the completion of the funeral preparation process and the passage of life and memories.

Christine Keys – Fortitude – Fort McMurray Outpatient Oncology Centre

Healthcare has gone through so much in the last few years and is constantly in a state of change. The current design of healthcare centres has been tailored around one user group, causing an increase in anxiety and stressors for the other user groups.

The goal of this space is to provide a centre tailored to all users of the space, creating a salubrious design bridging the gap that currently exists in the design of oncology centres.

This 32,500 square foot outpatient oncology centre will provide crucial medical services that are currently lacking in Fort McMurray while also creating a space that mentally, physically, and spiritually supports patients, their guests, and healthcare providers, creating a salubrious space for all user groups.

Maddie Longo – Regina Women’s Correctional Facility

An adapt and reuse project retrofitting a college campus into a minimum security correctional facility for adult women in Regina, Saskatchewan. The Canadian prison system faces high recidivism rates and is not using interior design to its full capacity to help inmates reintegrate into society after completing their sentence.

The project will use the Norwegian prison approach, human-centered and evidence based design to create positive change for inmates and staff. The facility will feature home-like spaces with reinforced, fixed custom furniture system with anti-contraband and anti-ligature design. The design will encourage users to respect their environment and be responsible for cleaning and maintaining their living spaces.

Mackenzie Wegman – Queer Pride Centre

At its core, the Q.P Centre (Queer Pride Centre) is dedicated to bringing people together. Education and knowledge are provided to help the families of queer youth gain understanding, compassion, and commonality to aid in family adaptability. Togetherness is further established in the support of chosen family bonds formed within the the queer community through queer role models and mentors to help queer youth through any potential difficulties they may be facing.

Washroom signage design needs to be welcoming for all and avoid symbolism of male or female. Also, rainbow symbolism is to be subtly incorporated into design as well as gender neutral colours. In terms of accessibility, there will be multiple options for wheelchair users throughout auditorium, without large slopes that would require stairs on the main level and there enough space provided for a variety of movable furniture options like bean bag chairs, soft furniture, etc.

Melissa Marchand – The Garden HomeA home that nourishes our body, mind, and earth


In 2022, 57% of Canadians reported having difficulties feeding their families. Additionally, research has illustrated that the inability to access food not only impacts our biological well-being but also has a direct impact on our mental health. Experiencing food insecurity can increase the risk of anxiety and depression by approximately 256%. With the reported continuation of food price inflation, more Canadians will become food insecure, and therefore, there is a pressing need to create residential environments that provide nourishment for our biological and psychological needs.

This 4,000 square foot new build residence accentuates the importance of human-nature connection through the implementation of integrated indoor gardening methods, the 14 biophilic design principles, and sustainable initiatives in order to create a home that provides nourishment for our biological and psychological needs, as well as our earth.

The various indoor gardening methods and technologies will provide a low-maintenance, clean, time-efficient, and cost effective way of growing fresh produce all year round, increasing our household food security. In addition, research in biophilia had been linked to cognitive, psychological, and physiological benefits. The 14 patterns of biophilic design strive to bring the natural world into the built environment and focus on providing a strong connection between humans and nature.

Megan Phanenhour –Blakeney Farm

Historic restoration lacks available guidelines for non-designated buildings, resulting in renovations disregarding the original intent of the structure. This project entails the renovation of Blakeney Farm through its existing floor plan to accommodate modern standards of living while honouring to its historical integrity.

This design will be focusing on creating a more efficient and functional environment, improving efficiency to the existing structure, and incorporating durable materials for longevity and health, while retaining original elements to restore historical integrity.