2024 ARIDO Awards Winner
ARIDO has been on a journey to modernize its regulatory practices by carving out inclusive pathways where all can qualify where they have demonstrated the competencies for each of the eduction, experience, and examination requirements.
Since 2014, ARIDO has been the sole regulatory leader in Canada to examine qualification barriers and redeveloping alternative pathways to meeting each of the requirements.
The Intern Competency Review System (ICRS) was developed and launched in 2017 to provide internationally trained and seasoned designers who, through education and experience, may possess the competencies to meet the education requirement.
The Intern Design Experience Requirement (IDER) was developed and launched in 2019 and is a move away from hours-based reporting to evidence-based reporting and requires the completion of mandatory tasks within each interior design phase. With this transition, ARIDO believes this new reporting format will provide Intern members with a greater understanding of their next steps on the interior design career path, along with a clearly defined roadmap for their career growth plan which can be established with their Supervisor or Mentor.
The Examination Alternative Project (EAP) is the final development project by ARIDO which was launched in 2023. ARIDO has agreed with the Ontario Association of Architects (OAA) that an alternative to the NCDIQ exams should be developed as a Canadian option in relation to the future Direct Regulation Model. The launch of the EAP is a Canadian Alternative to the current NCIDQ exams. The goal is to ensure a fair and equitable path to qualification as an Interior Designer in Ontario.