View of the entire Scotiabank North Concourse Lounge, with red framing all around branded wit the logo and inside are the organic occupiable space of undulating wood striations akin to natural cave formations seen in nature
17 Oct 2024

ARIDO Award: Scotiabank North Concourse Lounge

The project is located at the Concourse Level of the new Scotiabank North Tower of the Bay & Adelaide Centre in downtown Toronto’s PATH network.  The purpose of the space was to provide a customer retail experience, while maintaining a notable Scotiabank Retail Brand presence within the PATH. 

Category: CRAFT

Interior Designer: Colleen Baldwin, ARIDO
Design Firm: Scotiabank Canadian Retail Design Team

Photographer: Ludwing Duarte

The ideation starts by discarding any preconceived notions of what a standard retail banking experience is, while instead, prioritizing how a space can best benefit occupants within its context.  While using an architectural concept as a means to reengage the public in a retail setting, the result was a space developed to be a quiet ephemeral respite in contrast to the PATH’s otherwise busy, fast-paced retail corridors.  Conceptually, this is achieved by eroding a pedestrian path through a red retail mass exposing an organic occupiable space of undulating wood striations akin to natural cave formations seen in nature.

A view inside the organic occupiable space of undulating wood striations akin to natural cave formations seen in nature, with a large LED screen that displays nature imagery
A view inside the organic occupiable space of undulating wood striations akin to natural cave formations seen in nature, with a large LED screen that displays nature imagery