ARIDO Award: Scotiabank North Concourse Lounge
The project is located at the Concourse Level of the new Scotiabank North Tower of the Bay & Adelaide Centre in downtown Toronto’s PATH network. The purpose of the space was to provide a customer retail experience, while maintaining a notable Scotiabank Retail Brand presence within the PATH.
Category: CRAFT
Interior Designer: Colleen Baldwin, ARIDO
Design Firm: Scotiabank Canadian Retail Design Team
Photographer: Ludwing Duarte

The ideation starts by discarding any preconceived notions of what a standard retail banking experience is, while instead, prioritizing how a space can best benefit occupants within its context. While using an architectural concept as a means to reengage the public in a retail setting, the result was a space developed to be a quiet ephemeral respite in contrast to the PATH’s otherwise busy, fast-paced retail corridors. Conceptually, this is achieved by eroding a pedestrian path through a red retail mass exposing an organic occupiable space of undulating wood striations akin to natural cave formations seen in nature.