NCIDQ Exam Study series
28 Jun 2023

Announcing the NCIDQ Exam Study Series – Begins July 13th!

Ali Moenck
NCIDQ Exam Study series

We are pleased to launch the 2023 edition of the NCIDQ Exam Study Series!

This series of virtual events is for ARIDO Interns to help you prepare for writing the NCIDQ exams.
We know how much of an undertaking it is to prepare and it can often feel like an overwhelming and challenging process to get ready.

We’re here to help with a six-part series to provide you with the information you need, opportunities to ask questions of members who recently wrote and passed the exams, and support from your fellow Interns. The sessions are free to attend with your ARIDO membership.

You can attend all the sessions or select the one(s) which focus on the topics where you need assistance. Each session will be a presentation from a Registered member who recently passed the exams and will include time for questions at the end. The sessions will be recorded and will be available via ARIDOAccess following the series.

This series is part of what ARIDO is doing to equip Interns like you with the tools you need on your path to Registered membership.

Session 5 – Communication and Documentation – Building Systems and Construction

September 7th 1:00-2:00 PM ET RESCHEDULED: September 8th 12:00 noon-1:00 PM ET
Presenter: Erica Pelletier, ARIDO

Session 6 – Project and Business Management

September 20th 6:30-7:30 PM ET
Presenter: Dana Seguin, ARIDO

Questions? Contact Maya Vnukovsky

Past Sessions

Review the first four sessions in the Intern Career Guide on the NCDIQ Study Resources page in ARIDOaccess.

Session 1 – What to Expect on the Exams and How to Prepare

Session 1 - What to Expect on the Exams and How to Prepare

July 13th 1:00-2:00 pm ET
Presenter: Leticia Amaral, ARIDO

Session 2 – Design Concepts and Programming

Session 2 - Design Concepts and Programming

July 18th 3:00-4:00 PM ET
Presenter: Sam Charlinski, ARIDO

Session 3 – Research and Selection of Products

August 10th 1:00-2:00 PM ET
Presenter: Carley Berko, ARIDO

Session 4 – Design Constraints

Session 4 - Design Constraints

August 15th 4:00-5:00 PM ET
Presenter: Melissa Munroe, ARIDO