
ARIDO Award Submissions 2023

  • Published on: Apr 21, 2023

The ARIDO Awards are back!

Since 1982, ARIDO has held an annual awards program for all Registered members. The ARIDO Awards is one of the most highly regarded honours in the interior design community.

We are delighted to be opening up submissions to the 40th edition of the ARIDO Awards and continuing the celebration of work by Registered Interior Designers!

Submissions are open from April to June, and judging will take place in the summer. The winning projects will be celebrated at the ARIDO Awards Gala on October 5th, 2023.

Submission Information

Submissions are only accepted via the online forms. Photos, plans, and sketches are uploaded directly on the second page of the form.

Note on photography: The refreshed awards program prohibits design firm employees from appearing in submission photos. In 2021 and 2022, this policy was relaxed to account for the understanding that projects may have already been photographed.

Now in 2023, submission images should not contain any design firm employees. Submissions which contain images of design firm employees will be flagged and firms will have an opportunity to submit corrected photos if done so by the timeline provided.

The maximum number of entries per design firm is as follows:

  • 3 entries per category
  • 4 entries per year total

Project Submission Form | IMPACT AWARD Submission Form | Submission Guide | Webinar on Submissions | Categories for 2023 | Copyright Consent Forms | Important Dates and Deadlines

Project Submission Form

This year we are recognizing projects in the following categories: CARE, EAT + STAY, LEARN, WORK, and the annual categories of CRAFT, DISTINCT, and PRESERVE + RESTORE.

IMPACT AWARD Submission Form

The winning project of the IMPACT AWARD must demonstrate a significant impact on an occupant or end user, neighbourhood, community, project team etc. It need not be built space.

The project submission must clearly explain how it has shaped or will shape an outcome or direct benefits, and address issues such as equity, diversity, or inclusion, advocacy, sustainability, economic
considerations or several interrelated issues.

Submission Guide

Read the Submission Guide for instructions and tips on creating and submitting your project to the ARIDO Awards.

Webinar on Submissions - Friday, May 12th

This year we hosted a webinar on the submissions process to provide answers on creating an ARIDO Award Submission, with tips on the submission form, and to provide a space for members to ask questions.

The recording is now available to review at the link below. Please use the passcode to access the webinar: Passcode: &tqr4@!U

Categories for 2023

EAT + STAY - Luxurious lobbies, comfy rooms, and cool amenity spaces, alongside restaurants, bars, and nightclubs all competing as the place to see and be seen.

WORK - This category celebrates the brightest, boldest, and most beautiful workspaces that inspire teams to bring their brightest to the office. From cubicles to corner offices, this category is here to recognize the spaces that make us say "TGIM!"

LEARN – Let’s give a gold star to the most vibrant, innovative, and inspiring educational spaces by Registered Interior Designers. Whether it's kindergarten or college, we're recognizing the designs that make us all want to go back to school!

CARE - From hospitals to nursing homes, we're honoring the designs that remind us that care is not just about medicine, it's about compassion and community.

CRAFT - This category is all about recognizing the little details that make a big impact - from custom furniture to bespoke lighting, we're celebrating the designs that showcase the beauty and artistry of craftsmanship in all its forms.

DISTINCT - From the sky to the sea and everywhere in between, the category celebrates interior design that breaks the mold and challenges our assumptions about what an "interior" can be - whether it's a luxurious yacht, a cutting-edge outdoor space, or something completely groundbreaking.

PRESERVE + RESTORE – This category recognizes designs that preserve and restore historic spaces with a creative and modern twist, because sometimes the past is too cool to leave behind!

IMPACT AWARD - The IMPACT AWARD is all about recognizing interior design projects that make a difference, from improving the lives of individual occupants to transforming entire communities. Whether it's advancing sustainable design, advocating for social justice, or fostering diversity and inclusion, this award celebrates designs that leave a lasting positive impact on the people and places they touch.

Important Dates and Deadlines

Submissions open
Friday, April 21st, 2023

Webinar on Submissions Process - Register Here!
Friday, May 12, 2023 - 9:30 AM

Early Bird Entry Deadline - Friday, May 26, 2023 midnight
$150 + HST (per entry)

Final Entry Deadline - Friday, June 2, 2023 midnight
$250 + HST (per entry)

ARIDO Awards Gala
Thursday, October 5, 2023 - The Fairmont Royal York Hotel, Toronto

Click here to download additional Copyright Consent Forms.

COPYRIGHT CONSENT FORM SECTION I: To be completed by copyright owner

Copyright owner can be a firm or individual. If there is more than one copyright owner, each owner should complete this section.

COPYRIGHT CONSENT FORM SECTION II: To be completed by individual photographer/author who created the work.

This must be a person. If there are co-authors, each co-author completes a copy of this section.

Refreshed ARIDO Awards Program

Since 1982, ARIDO has held an annual awards program for all Registered members. The ARIDO Awards is one of the most highly regarded honours in the interior design community.

In 2020, ARIDO halted the existing Awards Program, undertook a review of the existing program and developed a new, improved program for 2021 and beyond. The improved Awards Program focuses on engaging ARIDO membership equally while celebrating our diverse community of interior designers in all they do.

The Task Force responsible for the review and redevelopment focused on three primary goals:

  • Membership engagement through broader outreach and increased percentage of member engagement;
  • A public facing awards program that will be embraced by a wider audience, fully demonstrates the value of professional interior designer to business and the public, and is showcased in various forms of media;
  • The celebration of equity, diversity, and inclusion of ARIDO.

Recognizing there is a gap of projects submitted with the halting of the program in 2020, eligibility dates for projects in the first two years will be based on a 3 year period for project completion and occupancy. Following the 2021 and 2022 submission years, it is a 2 year period. The new program also groups select categories per year, alternating categories yearly.

As part of this refreshed awards program, ARIDO is incorporating new criteria which recognizes projects designed by members that support or addresses equity, diversity, accessibility, and inclusion. This may also include projects that can demonstrate support for underserved or under-represented communities, that advance community benefits or that are connected to ARIDO’s strategic mission to more inclusionary practices.

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