ARIDO is on a transformative journey prioritizing diversity, equity, accessibility, and reconciliation. We believe strongly that the opportunities to evolve our framework that is inclusive and representative of our members is integral. In preparation for this call for nominations, the ARIDO’s governance committee has reviewed we recognize there are opportunities to improve the present Board of Management composition and recognizes that our Board of Management as it relates to the diverse representation of our membership needs to be improved to in order to reflect the demographics of Ontario.
As an Association that is focused on developing and guiding the future of the Interior Design profession, we believe it is our responsibility to lead and advocate for equity.
We are actively focused on diversifying the ARIDO Board in 2022 and encourage and welcome nominations who identify as members of any underrepresented and diverse groups.
The Details
The Board of Management develops and guides the Association’s strategic direction and works to advance the profession and Association provincially.
There are currently two Director Positions open for the ARIDO Board of Management for the coming term along with one position for President-elect.
Registered members in good standing who are interested in putting their name forward or who wish to nominate another Registered Member will require their nomination to be seconded by three (3) other Registered members in good standing, in accordance with ARIDO’s Operating By-laws (By-law No. 1). Please click here for a copy of the nomination form.
Included with the nomination should be a short bio outlining the candidate’s practice and volunteer history. Please use this form. (MS Word file will download.)
President-elect Criteria
A candidate for President-elect must have served as an elected director on the Board of Management, a Chapter President, or as a member of an ARIDO Standing Committee or Task Force of the Association for a full term of office at least once in the 15 years prior to the date of the election.
Board Term
Elected Board Members will serve on the ARIDO Board for a three-year term.
Volunteer Commitment
The ARIDO Board of Management meets monthly, via teleconference, with additional meetings as needed.
Any members submitting a nomination should do so by Friday, December 10, 2021.
If you have any questions or wish to discuss the nominations process, please email Irma Kemp at ikemp@arido.ca or phone 416-921-2127 ext. 4225.