ROI Initiative
ROI 2013: CAMH Archway Clinic
The goal of the ROI 2013 initiative was to enhance and improve the interior conditions of the Archway Clinic, a CAMH satellite outpatient clinic. The enhancement of the space was needed as the existing interior space of the clinic itself was not supportive of the important and comprehensive treatment program for clients with chronic schizophrenia and other related disorders. The clinic has existed since the mid-1970s. It currently serves 369 clients with chronic mental illness and has 25 staff.
In order to meet the goals of this initiative, ARIDO and several volunteers reached out to the Interior Design industry and community to secure donations of product and services. Progress on this important initiative began over the summer months as work included the painting of all common areas, installation of new flooring through out the space, new artwork and office furniture and a new Archway staff kitchen meeting room to name a few.
Today, we can see the impact and difference that the ROI initiative has had on the Archway Clinic. Its clients now have a space that promotes their recovery. It’s a more calming and peaceful environment, which makes it more conducive to the important services that the staff of the Archway Clinic provide to their clients.
2013 ROI Team
Sherry Bilenduke, KBH Interior Design
Elsie Cheng, Elsie Cheng Design
Naji Mourani, NORR Limited
Anna Stranks, Studio A Design Collaborative
Mahesh Babooram, Interface
Dayna Bradley, Brigholme
Sharon Portelli, ARIDO
Matthew DiCintio - Project Coordinator Marant Construction Managers & General Contractors