
ARIDO SOC Charity Golf Tournament for Cancer Research

  • Published on: Jul 25, 2023

Bring your A game to this year's ARIDO SOC Annual Charity Golf Tournament for Cancer Research!

When: Wednesday, September 13th, 2023 at 11:30AM
Where: Kings Forest Golf Club, Hamilton, ON

There are lots of ways you can be a part of this special day! Sponsor a foursome, provide a raffle item, or contribute to the various other sponsorship opportunities.

See all available sponsorship opportunities in the Sponsorship Package below!

A message from SOC President Sheri Crawford

As a long-standing participant and organizer of the SOC Golf Tournament I am happy to be back this year, helping our dedicated team of volunteers and getting back on the course to enjoy a wonderful day in Southern Ontario. Over our 12 years of organizing this tournament and donating to the Cancer Research Society we have contributed over $30,000 to Cancer research.

In the Spring of 2022, I was diagnosed with Stage 3 rectal cancer. My journey that lasted about a year encompassed 3 surgeries, 4 hospital visits, a blood transfusion and chemotherapy. Seeing the pain that my family experienced was probably one of the hardest parts of my illness. In November of 2022 I was able to ring the cancer bell after my last infusion treatment and was given a clean bill of health in April of this year.

Although many go through a much longer journey than I did, I now fully understand the benefits of our donations as I was given a chance to continue to be a mother, partner, daughter, colleague and friend because of the advancements in cancer treatment. I vowed to live my life to the fullest and gain back my strength so I could enjoy all the activities that I missed last year, including golfing.

From the bottom of my heart, I thank all the sponsors who have continuously supported our tournament and allowed someone like myself an opportunity to survive. And to those who are just joining us this year, thank you for giving someone else a fighting chance.

I look forward to seeing you all on the course!

Join us for a beau-tee-ful day outdoors with 18 holes of golf, a light lunch and dinner, and fun with your fellow chapter members! And all for a good cause!