BID projects – OCAD University

BID projects – OCAD University

We are thrilled to continue our celebration of the class of 2023 from Ontario ARIDO-recognized schools this year. This is our third year of posting graduating student work on BLOG//ARIDO and we are pleased to share their accomplishments with the ARIDO community and beyond.

 ARIDO has worked with these schools to promote a selection of 4th year BID student work on BLOG//ARIDO and will be posting the work each Wednesday during May and June.

Dunebari Tony-Enwin - Futuristic Experiential Design Hub

This thesis proposes the creation of a technologically advanced design hub for OCAD U students, providing opportunities to experiment with new technologies and innovative design methods while collaborating with peers to shape the future of architecture and design.

Technologically advanced design hubs play a critical role in shaping the future of design by providing design students with opportunities to experiment with new technologies and innovative design methods. This thesis proposes the creation of a futuristic design hub, which will serve as a platform for OCAD U students to immerse themselves in cutting-edge design concepts, explore new approaches to design problems, and collaborate with their peers to shape the future of architecture and design.

Gina Yang - New Park New Toronto

My design solution is to take over the existing green park space in my densely populated neighbourhood in south Etobicoke, also known as New Toronto, and create an elevated, multi-level park people can access from different levels. It will help bring more functions to this park and make it a more visually attractive destination for the surrounding residents. The design aims to tie the community together by making physical and visual connections between the park and the surrounding buildings. It would become a landmark that serves the community and encourages community engagement by creating memories and a sense of belonging.

The park is explored as both a social construct and a physical territory. The design proposes four bridges that form a physical connection from the four tall co-op towers directly to the park. This means the residents will have a direct walkway from their apartment buildings to the second-floor community garden level.

The Ohio Buckeye tree will become a landmark of the park, as it is a common tree in South Etobicoke area, that can reach 20m in height. It can create a sense of way finding that leads people towards the park, especially when it is in bloom during springtime.

Hong Zhai - Bubble Mental Health Therapy Clinic

Architecture can transform the treatment of patients in urban mental health by changing or adding colors to the architecture. This bubble mental health therapy clinic combined color therapy with architecture for treatment.

The concept for this project is transformation - transformation between architecture and mental therapy. The metaphor is a bubble - bubbles are brittle and dull in the absence of light, but they become beautiful and colorful in sunlight. These qualities resemble mental health, which is brittle and affected by surrounding light and colors. Just as a bubble becomes beautiful in the presence of light and color, so does the human mind and psychological well-being.

The main design objectives of this thesis project are evidence-based recoloring of existing walls, and the design or specification of customized interior furniture and interior lighting. Green areas with colourful and visually stimulating plants were incorporated and customized glazing was introduced to achieve a robust visual effect.

Medal Winner: Sayeh Ghahari -  Whitby Paediatric Epilepsy Clinic

There is a pressing need for specialized care clinics that can cater to the mental health needs of children with long-standing epilepsy in Durham Region, particularly in areas like Whitby where the population of children is increasing at a rapid pace.

However, the current epilepsy care clinics primarily focus on diagnosing the cause of epilepsy, with little attention given to treating the associated mental health problems, leading to significant gaps in care.

Mental health problems frequently occur in children with epilepsy but the diagnosis is usually missed and therapeutic opportunities are often lost. For my thesis project, I opt to design a pediatric epilepsy clinic that optimizes the healing process of epilepsy patients and families.

This facility aims to address the shortcomings of traditional epilepsy programs through designing pre and post seizure initiatives.

Sharany Indrakumar - Youth Cultural Nexus

This thesis will investigate the representation and incorporation of youth cultural groups in a dense, urban community. This will help me to understand how the exposure and moments of cultural exchange between one culture to another, can teach and create a positive influence for both present and future youth generations. It is important because it will foster inclusion, social awareness, as well as encourage an environment that fills embraces and educates individuals about their community's diverse cultures.

Culture and connection is not mentioned as much as we would like in the education system. Educational spaces today play a significant role in fostering children’s well being and accompanying their learning process. The optimal solution for this problem is to integrate a cultural hub - in this case, a cultural nexus for the community, providing youth with opportunities to learn, share and connect to their culture and environment.

Learn more about these projects and others by OCAD 4th year BID students on this link.


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