This Brampton dispensary is all about the buds and the bees

This Brampton dispensary is all about the buds and the bees

Hibuzz Cannabis is a new and rising star in retail cannabis. They are a family-owned dispensary chain proudly located in Brampton, ON. With a love of their local community and a desire to create a great experience for their customers, Hibuzz Cannabis was born.

Three years after recreational cannabis was legalized in Canada, dispensaries are their own subset of retail outlets, which must meet certain space requirements in order to operate in Canada. As a Registered Interior Designer, I worked with the Hibuzz team to create a space that met the local laws while upholding their brand.

In Ontario, cannabis businesses must be separate from all other businesses, and cannot include an outdoor area. They also can't be accessed from other businesses or in a shared retail space, and the area where the cannabis is stored must prohibit the public from entering.

Finally, cannabis and accessories must be displayed in a way that they cannot be seen by a minor, even from outside the store, so many stores have creative solutions to cover windows and have special screens to prevent the product from being seen from outdoors.

The vision for the store design was to offer an accessible and welcoming shopping environment to a community where cannabis is legal and regulated. The cash area uses simple wood joinery and soft lighting for effect, displays are clear and open to offer customers a seamless experience.

As a family-owned business, budget and timelines were very tight. Overall, a fantastic store was created and the brand has big plans for more locations

Nicholas Goddard

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Nicholas Goddard

Portage Design Group Inc.

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