

  • Published on: Apr 16, 2021

As part of their work, the Provincial Advocacy Committee is presenting a panel discussion at ARCHITECT@WORK's Digital Summit this April. ARCHITECT@WORK is a premier event that brings together architects and building professionals each year to discuss and discover the latest innovations in materials, products and processes.

This year, the program has moved into the virtual realm. A@W CANADA Digital Summit will run for two days, April 28 and 29, 2021, and feature the brightest minds to discuss the most burning issues of the day in a post-pandemic society. The whole event is free to attend, and has a number of panels and talks that might interest members.

Architect at work Digital Summit April 28 and 29

Ok Boomer: Addressing the Oncoming Aging-in-Place Demand

Wednesday, April 28, 2021 at 2 PM EST

Take the biggest aging demographic to date, mix it with a long term care crisis brought to a head due to COVID, combine it with changing needs for older adults and we have a booming demand for Aging-in-Place design in our homes that we all need to sit up and pay attention to. Learn more about this demand from a panel of experts in the field and how interior design and architecture are in the best position to start (and continue) this revolution in residential design.

Presented by Melissa Tossell, ARIDO this panel will bring together experts currently working in the field and address how Canada and the provinces should be preparing to meet this future challenge. This panel is worth 1 General Education Structured Learning Credit.