Call for Nominations for the positions of WOC President and President-elect

  • Published on: Jan 18, 2021

The Western Ontario Chapter is in need of a President and President-elect.

In accordance with ARIDO’s Chapter By-laws (By-law No. 5), those Registered members in good standing who are interested in putting their name forward or who wish to nominate another Registered Member will require their nomination to be signed by the Nominee and seconded by two (2) other Registered members in good standing. Please click here for the nomination form.

Included with the nomination should be a short bio outlining the candidate’s practice and volunteer history. The candidate should also include a statement outlining why they wish to be considered for the position of President or President-elect of the Chapter Board of Directors. Please use this form.

Board Terms

President will serve on the Chapter Board for a two-year term.
The first year as President
The second year as Past-President / Director of Programming

President-elect will serve on the Chapter Board for a three-year term.
The first year as President-elect / Director of Communications
The second year as President
The third year as Past-President / Director of Programming

Any members submitting a nomination should do so by Friday, February 19, 2021.

If you have any questions or wish to discuss the nominations process, please email