
Get involved with the ARIDO Career Xpress Committee!

  • Published on: Apr 27, 2020

We need volunteers to join the ARIDO Student Career Xpress Committee.
What is Career Xpress? The ARIDO Career Xpress (CX) is a committee of member volunteers who organize fun and rewarding events designed to help students and recent grads acquire the skills needed to jumpstart their careers and stand out to potential employers.
Career Xpress events provide volunteers with networking opportunities that will help you to excel in your career in the interior design community and connect you with industry partners.
Career Xpress volunteers are also school ambassadors who help us promote the benefits of membership and rally students to participate in ARIDO sponsored events. Click here to read the complete Terms of Reference for this committee.

What does a Committee volunteer do?

  • Commit to volunteer 
  • Participate in monthly Committee meetings in person or via teleconference
  • Assist with planning and attending the Career Xpress Portfolio Prep and Portfolio Review events
  • Assist with ARIDO annual Student and Intern membership in-class presentation campaigns in your school

Why Volunteer?

  1. This is an excellent opportunity for you to get involved, learn more and connect with the Interior Design community by meeting other Student, Intern and Registered members…not to mention Industry Suppliers!
  2. Gain valuable experience that can be added to your resume and social media.
  3. Potential to meet future employers.
  4. Be considered for design scholarships and awards that recognize volunteer work.
  5. Most importantly, volunteering allows you to give back by helping your fellow students and getting involved in the design community.

Submit your application via the link above. Questions? Contact