
Announcement of 2020 Scholarship Recipients!

  • Published on: Apr 20, 2020
ARIDO is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2020 Scholarships. ARIDO would like to congratulate the recipients of these awards and sincerely thank every student who applied. ARIDO would also like to thank the members of the Provincial Scholarship Committee for their diligence and hard work, as well as CTI Working Environments and Doner Turrin Inc. for their support of interior design students.
Norma Ruth Ridley Scholarship
The Norma Ruth Ridley Scholarship, previously the ARIDO Provincial Scholarship, honours Interior Design students who display impeccable professionalism and ethics, and who understand the importance of good business practices and professional standards. Program Chairs from each ARIDO-recognized school may submit the name of one student to be considered for the $2,000 scholarship. These students are tasked with an interior design challenge and are judged in five areas: academic achievement, professionalism, community involvement, character, and communication.
The 2020 Norma Right Ridley Scholarship recipient is Tara Kenney, of Fanshawe College who placed first in the challenge. The scholarship awarded two $500 awards to Jessica Dier, Sheridan College, (2nd place) and Sarah Deans, Conestoga College, (3rd place).
CTI Working Environments Scholarship
Funds for the CTI Working Environments scholarship are raised from the annual Signatures Event, where Interior Designers unleash their inner artist by painting ceramic dishware for auction. Each year the money raised from the CTI Working Environments Signatures Auction goes toward scholarships for interior design students who go beyond the written curriculum and exemplify dedication and enthusiasm in giving back to the interior design community through their volunteer work.
This year, three students have been recognized and will each receive a $500 award.
Michelle Lan, Ryerson University
Grace Bergstrome, Algonquin College
Christine Belanger, Fanshawe College
The Gary Hewson Memorial Award
The Gary Hewson Memorial Award was created in memory of an individual who touched the lives of many in Ontario’s interior design community. The award is presented each fall to one interior design student from each of ARIDO’s recognized interior design programs who has shown exemplary peer mentorship, leadership, and volunteerism in their community.
The following winners were guests of ARIDO at the 2019 ARIDO Awards Gala:
Christine Belanger, Fanshawe College
Haneih Ahani, Yorkville University
Jesse Wyman, Algonquin College
Leah Lorentz, Conestoga College
Noor Omar Saleh, Sheridan College
ARIDO Art Appreciation Scholarship with Doner Turrin Inc.
The ARIDO Art Appreciation Scholarship in partnership with Doner-Turrin Inc. awards $500 to a first-year student in an ARIDO recognized Interior Design program. All first-year interior design students are invited to submit an application about a piece of art of their choice and its placement and context in a specific interior space.
The 2020 ARIDO Art Appreciation Scholarship with Doner Turrin Inc. winner is: Bailey Marinovich, Humber College
Congratulations to all the recipients!